Für immer und jetzt – wie man hier und anderswo die Liebe feiert
Published by Verlag Antje Kunstmann
Idea & Concept, Cover page, Illustration
Forever and now – how to celebrate love here and elsewhere
International Love rituals – some are poetic, strange, weird, downright crazy and totally fascinating. This book compiles astounding inside into different cultures – as well as your own. They talk about the various meanings of love and how it can mean a multitude of things. For readers in love this book also offers ideas how to celebrate rituals yourself. It also provide recipes for wild or rather intimate love parties.
World Illustration Award Shortlisted Artist 2016
»So here they are. They do still exist, those well-made books. There are so many strange, romantic and funny rituals Michaela Vieser comes up with. Irmela Schautz adds live to these stories with her colourful illustrations. Not only do they please the eye they also take us right around the globe. A book so full of different colours as love itself.«
Katharina Hesse, Managing Director Stiftung Buchkunst
»For those who find it difficult to talk about love, why not rather present your loved one with the book “For ever and now.«